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Publications of work based on UAM CorpusTool

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Ortega-Robles, C. and E. Hidalgo-Tenorio. They really, really, really don't like to admit they made mistakes: A critical discourse analysis of appraisal in wrongful convictions. Language and Cognition, 17. (Link)


Abdelsamie, Y. (2024). Genres of political tweets: exploring the tweeting practices of American and Egyptian Presidential Officials. (10486/714753) [Doctoral dissertation, Universidad Autnoma de Madrid]. UAM_Biblioteca. (Link)


Benítez-Castro, M. Á., Hidalgo-Tenorio, E., Patterson, K. J., Moyano, M. and I. González. They were not radical, even when they committed that An Appraisal-driven discourse analysis of feelings and attitudes towards the 17-A terrorist cell in Barcelona. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 12(2), 139-170. (Link)


Benitez-Castro, M. A. and E. Hidalgo Tenorio. I am proud to be a traitor: The emotion/opinion interplay in jihadist magazines. Pragmatics and Society 13(3): 501-531. (Link)

Deng, L., and Liu, J. (2022). Move-Bundle connection in conclusion sections of research articles across disciplines. Applied Linguistics. amac040. (Link)

Hidalgo-Tenorio, E. and M. A. Benitez-Castro, Trumps populist discourse and affective politics, or on how to move the People through emotion. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 20(2), 86-109. (Link)

Palmieri, R., Mercuri, C., and Mazzali-Lurati, S. (2022). Persuasive Reasons in Crowdfunding Campaigns: Comparing Argumentative Strategies in Successful and Unsuccessful Projects on Kickstarter. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 16(2), 332-355. doi:10.1080/1553118x.2021.2008942 (Link)

Shrestha, Prithvi (2022). Examining evaluative language used in assessment feedback on business students academic writing. Assessing Writing, 54, article no. 100664. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2022.100664

Sun, Shuyi and Crosthwaite, Peter (2022). Establish a niche via negation: A corpus-based study of negation within the Move 2 sections of PhD thesis introductions. Open Linguistics, 8(1), pp. 189208. (Link)



Akbas, E. and Olcu Dincer, Z. (in press). Accuracy order in L2 grammatical morphemes: Corpus evidence from different proficiency levels of Turkish learners of English. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 11(4).

Akbas, Erdem and Farnia, Maryam (2021). ''Exploring rhetorical moves in a digital academic genre: a cross-disciplinary study of the highlights section''. Iberica, 42, 85-113 (Link)

Akba, E. and l Diner (in press). Accuracy order in L2 grammatical morphemes: Corpus evidence from different proficiency levels of Turkish learners of English. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 11 (4).

Hidalgo-Tenorio, E. and M. A. Benitez-Castro. The language of evaluation in the narratives by the Magdalene Laundries survivors: The discourse of female victimhood. Applied Linguistics 42(2): 315-341. (Link)

Lozano, C. (2021). Corpus textuales de aprendices para investigar sobre la adquisicin del espaol LE/L2. In M. Cruz Piol (Ed.), E-Research y espaol LE/L2: Investigar en la era digital (pp. 138-163). New York: Routledge. ISBN 9781138359741 (Link)

Mioso Machado Humberto, Machado Armas Tania Using UAM Corpus Tool for Assessing the Presence of Nominalized In-Prepositional Phrases in Sentence Beginning. In PhD. Juana Idania Prez Morales (Ed.), Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the teaching and learning process of English as a foreign language. Santa Clara Pp.25-40 (Link)


Cesiri, Daniela (2020), The Discourse of Food Blogs. Multidisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Routledge. (ISBN 9781138316102) (Link)

Lozano, C. (2020). How to do research in SLA by combining corpus and experimental methods: An introduction for language researchers and teachers. In M. Planelles Almeida, A. Foucart, and J. M. Liceras (Eds.), Perspectivas actuales en la enseanza y el aprendizaje de lenguas en contextos multiculturales / Current Perspectives in Language Teaching and Learning in Multicultural Contexts. pp. 389-421). Thomson Reuters Aranzadi. (Link)

Martín-Villena, F., and Lozano, C. (2020). Anaphora resolution in topic continuity: Evidence from L1 EnglishL2 Spanish data in the CEDEL2 corpus. In J. Ryan and P. Crosthwaite (eds.), Referring in a Second Language: Studies on Reference to Person in a Multilingual World. New York: Routledge. Pp. 119141. http://doi.org/10.4324/9780429263972-7 (Link)

Sawaki, Tomoko (2020) Interacting voices structure a text: A quantitative investigation of dialogic elements across structural units in the introductory chapters of history theses. Functions of Language 27 (2): 133. DOI: 10.1075/fol.17037.saw. (Link)

Xie, Jinhui (2020) Traduire la signification idationnelle : une analyse systmique fonctionnelle de la traduction de rapports informatifs par des apprenants du chinois vers le franais. PhD thesis. Paris : Universit de Paris. (I'd like to thank you, Prof. O'Donnell, for developing this amazing tool which has been essential for my doctoral research.) (Link)


Munalim, Leonardo O. and Gonong, Gina (2019). Filipino students' active-passive voice preference in invitation letters. The Normal Lights Journal, 13(1): 47-50. (Link)


He, Qingshun and Yang, Bingjun (2018). A corpus-based study of the correlation between text technicality and ideational metaphor in English. Lingua 203:5165. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2017.10.005

Moya Muoz, Patricio and Carri-Pastor, Mara Luisa (2018) La atenuacin en los comentarios sobre las noticias digitales en peridicos de Espaa y Chile. Onomzein, pp. 56-76 (Link)

Wiemeyer, Leonie and Schaub, Steffen (2018). Dimensions of Dissatisfaction and Dissent in Contemporary German Rap: Social Marginalization, Politics, and Identity Formation. In: Ross, Andrew, Rivers, Damian (eds.). The Sociolinguistics of Hip-hop as Critical Conscience. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59244-2_3 (Link)


Bal-Gezegin, B. and Ik Gler, H. (2017) Appraisal Resources in Book Reviews. In: Hatipolu, ., Akba, E. and Y. Bayyurt (Eds.) Metadiscourse in Written genres: Undercovering Textual and Interactional Aspects of Texts (pp. 175-200). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (ISBN: 9783631720608)

Bal-Gezegin, B. and Isik-Guler, H. (2017). Appraisal Resources in Book Reviews. In: Hatipoglu, C, Akbas, E. and Y. Bayyurt (Eds.) Metadiscourse in Written genres: Undercovering Textual and Interactional Aspects of Texts (pp. 175-200). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (ISBN: 9783631720608)

Crosthwaite, P., Cheung, LML and Jiang, F. (2017). Writing with attitude: Stance expression in learner and professional dentistry research reports. English for Specific Purposes, 46, 107-123. DOI:10.1016/j.esp.2017.02.001 (Link)

DeCoursey, C.A., Boris Naimushin, Hidayet Tuncay3 and Maria Stepanova (2017) Attitudes towards refugees in Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia . Asian Social Science; Vol. 13, No. 5; 2017 (Link)

Miura, Aika (2017) A corpus-based analysis of interlanguage pragmatics: A case study of requestive speech acts using UAM CorpusTool Version 3.2. Studies in Pragmatics: 18, 48-59. (Link)

Mioso Machado, Humberto and Machado Armas Tania (2017) Lexical Development in Students' Writing While Progressing from B1 to B2 Level of CEFR Lengua y Literatura en Monografias.com (Link)

Munalim, Leonardo O. (2017). Mental processes in teachers reflection papers: A transitivity analysis in Systemic Functional Linguistics. 3L-Language, Linguistics, and Literature: The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 23(2): 154-166. (Link)

Smart, Cameron (2017) Linear unit discourse analysis: The case of peer group interaction in the HKDSE public examination. Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol4, No.2 (Link)

Wharton, S. (2017). Reflection in university and the employability agenda: a discourse analysis case study. Reflective Practice, 18, 4, 567-579. (Link)


Crosthwaite, P. and Choy, L. (2016). A learner corpus study of Filipino L2 English definite article use: The way forward for language teachers. Asian EFL Journal, 93, 4-23. (Link)

Crosthwaite, P. (2016). Definite article bridging relations in L2: A learner corpus study. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory. (Online ahead of print), DOI: 10.1515/cllt-2015-0058 (Link)

Crosthwaite, P. (2016). L2 English Article Use by L1 Speakers of ART Languages: A Learner Corpus Study. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research, 2(1), 68-100. (Link)

Crosthwaite, P., Choy, L. and Bae, Y.S. (2016). Almost people: A learner corpus account of L2 use and misuse of non-numerical quantification, Open Linguistics, 2(1), 317336. (Link)

DeCoursey, C.A. (2016) Computer self-efficacy in global contexts: Appraising Chinese and Indian nonspecialists attitudes to common and advanced computer tasks International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education 6(1), 147-172. (Link)

DeCoursey, C.A. and Sati, C. (2016) Appraising computing self-efficacy emotions across a 5-week multimedia authoring project International Journal of Psychological Studies 8(2), 95-104. (Link)

Lozano, C. (2016). Pragmatic principles in anaphora resolution at the syntax-discourse interface: advanced English learners of Spanish in the CEDEL2 corpus. In Alonso Ramos, M. (Ed.), Spanish Learner Corpus Research: State of the Art and Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 236-265. (Link)

Miller, R.T., and Pessoa, S. (2016). Where's your thesis statement and what happened to your topic sentences? Identifying organizational challenges in undergraduate student argumentative writing. TESOL Journal, 4, 847-873. doi:10.1002/tesj.248 (Link)

Moya Muoz, Patricio. (2016) Anlisis comparativo de las estrategias metadiscursivas en los comentarios de noticias en la prensa digital espaola y chilena. Tesis Doctora, Universtitat Politcnica de Valncia. (Link)

Palmieri, Rudi and Johanna Miecznikowski (2016) Predictions in economic-financial news: Authors stance and argumentative loci. Journal of Argumentation in Context 5:1, pp. 4873. (Link)

Smart, Cameron (2016) Discourse Reflexivity in Linear Unit Grammar: The case of IMDb message boards. Amsterdam. John Benjamins Publishing Company Ltd. (Link)


ALARCON, Marco Antonio. Patrones valorativos de actitud en anotaciones en el libro de clases: juicios, afectos y apreciaciones de los docente en un contexto educativo. Lit. lingst. [online]. 2015, n.31, pp. 269-294. ISSN 0716-5811. (Link)

Candarli, D., Bayyurt, Y., and Marti, L. (2015). Authorial presence in L1 and L2 novice academic writing: Cross-linguistic and cross-cultural perspectives. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 20, 192202. (Link)

Carretero, M. and M. Taboada (2015) The annotation of Appraisal: How Attitude and Epistemic Modality overlap in English and Spanish consumer reviews. In R. Zamorano (ed.), Thinking Modally: English and Contrastive Studies on Modality. Berne: Peter Lang.

Cristbal Lozano (2015) Learner corpora as a research tool for the investigation of lexical competence in L2 Spanish. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching. 2(2), 180-193.

DeCoursey, C.A. (2015) Sinifying Joyce: Appraising second-language Confucian resders constructions of meaning in Ulysses English language and Literature Studies 5(3), 76-87. (Link)

Palmieri, Rudi, Andrea Rocci, Nadzeya Kudrautsava (2015) Argumentation in earnings conference calls. Corporate standpoints and analysts challenges. Studies in Communication Sciences. (Link)

Schulz, Anke (2015) Me, myself and I: A corpus-based, contrastive study of English and German computer-mediated communication from a Systemic Functional perspective. Dissertation. tuprints, ULB Darmstadt. (Link)

andarl, D., Bayyurt, Y., and Mart, L. (2015). Authorial presence in L1 and L2 novice academic writing: Cross-linguistic and cross-cultural perspectives. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 20, 192202. (Link)


Alonso Belmonte, Mara Isabel (2014) Genre and Professional Identity: An Exploratory Study on the Female Student Teachers Evaluation of Experience in EFL. In Snchez Macarro, A. and Cabrejas Peuelas, A. B. (eds.), New Insights into Gendered Discursive Practices: Language, Gender and Identity Construction. English in the World Series. Valencia, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valencia. Pp. 241-262.

Berry, Margaret (2014) Towards a study of the differences between formal written English and informal spoken English. In Lise Fontaine, Thomas Bartlett and Gerard O'Grady (eds.) Systemic Functional Linguistics: Exploring Choice. To be published by Cambridge University Press.

Cao, F. and Hu, G. (2014). ). Interactive metadiscourse in research articles: A comparative study of paradigmatic and disciplinary influences, Journal of Pragmatics, 66, 15-31. (Link)

DeCoursey, C.A. (2014) Dressing and being: Appraising costume and identity in English second-language drama English Language Teaching 7(2), 131-140. (Link)

Hu, G., and Wang, G. (2014) Disciplinary and ethnolinguistic influences on citation in research articles. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 14, 14-28. (Link)

Llinares, A. and Lyster, R (2014) The influence of context on patterns of corrective feedback and learner uptake: A comparison of CLIL and immersion classrooms. The Language Learning Journal, 42 (2). (Link)

Miller, R.T., Mitchell, T.D., and Pessoa, S. (2014). Valued voices: Students use of ENGAGEMENT in argumentative history writing, Linguistics and Education, 28, 107-120. doi:10.1016/j.linged.2014.10.002 (Link)

Santamara Garca, C. (2014) Evaluative discourse and politeness in university students' communication through social networking sites. G. Thompson and L. Alba-Juez (eds.) Evaluation in Context. 387-411. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Link)

Santamara-Garca, Carmen (2014) The construction of adolescents peer identity through hyperbole on social networking sites. A. Snchez Macarro y A. B. Cabrejas Peuelas, (eds.) New Insights into Gendered Discursive Practices: Language, Gender and Identity Construction. Valencia: Universidad de Valencia. Pp. 159-174.

Sawaki, Tomoko (2014) Construing stance in history theses: Dynamic interactions among ideology, generic structure and engagement. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of New South Wales, Sydney. (Link)

Sawaki, Tomoko (2014) Interactions between ideology, dialogic space construction, and the text-organizing function. English Text Construction, 7(2), 178-214. (Link)

Sawaki, Tomoko (2014) On the function of stance-neutral formulations: Apparent neutrality as a powerful stance constructing resource. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 16, 8192. (Link)

Thompson, Geoff (2014) Picking an argument: politicians' choice of persuasive strategies. Lise Fontaine, Tom Bartlett and Gerard OGrady (eds.), Systemic Functional Linguistics: Exploring Choice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Baklouti, Akila Sellami (2013) A Probabilistic Approach to Choice: The Impact of Contextual Factors on the Tactic System in Research Article Abstracts. In Gerard O'Grady, Tom Bartlett, Lise Fontaine (eds.), Choice in Language: Applications in Text Analysis. London: Equinox (Link)

Berry, Margaret (2013) Contentful and contentlight Subject Themes in informal spoken English and formal written English. In Gerard O'Grady, Lise Fontaine and Thomas Bartlett (eds.) Choice in Language. London: Equinox.

DeCoursey, C. A. (2013) Appraising Adult Second-Language Learners Subjectivity and Ability in Virtual Worlds. International Journal of English Linguistics; Vol. 3, No. 6, 44-58. (Link)

Fryer, Daniel Lees (2013) Exploring the dialogism of academic discourse: heteroglossic engagement in medical research articles. In Gisle Andersen and Kristin Bech (eds.), English Corpus Linguistics: Variation in Time, Space and Genre. Amsterdam: Rodopi. pp. 183-207.

Karges, Katharina (2013) Bonne Chance (!) Mille feuilles. Versuch eines korpuslinguistischen Vergleichs zweier Anfngerlehrwerke fr Franzsisch als Fremdsprache. Student paper. Fribourg: University of Fribourg. (Link)

Lozano, C., and Mendikoetxea, A. (forthcoming). Learner corpora and second language acquisition: the design and collection of CEDEL2. In N. Ballier, A. Daz-Negrillo, and P. Thompson (Eds.), Automatic Treatment and Analysis of Learner Corpus Data. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Murcia Bielsa, Susana and MacDonald, Penny (2013) The TREACLE project: Profiling learner proficiency using error and syntactic analysis. In S. Granger, G. Gilquin and F. Meunier (eds.), Proceedings of Learner Corpus Research 2011, 20 years of learner corpus research: looking back, moving ahead, 15-17 September 2011. 'Corpora and Language in Use' Series. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires de Louvain.

Reid, Robin (2013) Light (noun, 1) or Light (adjective, 14b)?: Female Bodies and Femininities in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. In Christopher T. Vaccaro (ed.) Bodies in Middle-earth: Corporeality and Embodiment in The Texts of Tolkien. Jefferson NC: McFarland.

Santamara Garca, Carmen (2103) The Discourse of Social Networks in Student Communication with Peers. In S. Molina and A. Roldn (eds.) Volumen Monogrfico de RESLA, Special issue Communication and Learning Context in LSP: New Perspectives on Genre Analysis. Pp. 123-142. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Link)

Schneider, Jodi (2013) Identifying, Annotating, and Filtering Arguments and Opinions in Open Collaboration Systems. Ph.D. thesis at National University of Ireland, Galway, Digital Enterprise Research Institute. (Link)

Schneider, Jodi and Samp, Krystian and Passant, Alexandre and Decker,Stefan (2013) Arguments about deletion: how experience improves the acceptability of arguments in ad-hoc online task groups. In Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work (CSCW '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1069-1080. (Link)


Alonso Belmonte, Isabel (2012) I feel as if I were a real teacher: an analysis of EFL student teachers' evaluative discourse through Appraisal theory. In M. HERNNDEZ and M JOS GONZLEZ (eds.),Special issue of Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses titled Evaluative Uses of Language: The Appraisal Framework. Universidad de La Laguna, pp.13-28.

Barth-Weingarten, Dagmar (2012) Cesuring in talk-in-interaction - a parametric approach to Intonation Units, turn-taking, language variation and language change Post-doc thesis (Habilitandin), School of Linguistics, Freiburg University, Germany.

Chinese-English Parallel Corpus of Appraisal Meanings (1,000,000 words). Created by the Centre for Functional Linguistics at Beijing Normal University in 2012.

De Ascaniis, Silvia and Gretzel, Ulrike (2012). Whats in a review title?. In Fuchs M., Ricci F. and Cantoni L. (eds.), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2012 (Proceedings of the 19th International Conference in Helsingborg, Sweden, January 24-27, 2012), Springer, Wien New York 2012.

DeCoursey, C. A. (2012) Trialing cartoons: Teachers' attitudes towards animation as an ELT instructional tool. Journal Computers and Education. Volume 59 Issue 2, September, 2012. Pp. 436-448

Degaetano-Ortlieb, S., E. Teich and E. Lapshinova-Koltunski (2012) Domain-specic variation of sentiment expressions: a methodology of analysis for academic writing. KONVENS 2012 (PATHOS 2012 workshop), Vienna, September 19-21, 2012, pp. 291-295. (Link)

Hedeboe Bodil (in press) Emergence of evaluative stance: Tracing primary school children's language development in story writing. Journal of Applied Linguistics. London Equinox.

Heift, T. and Rimrott, A. (2012). Task-related Variation in Computer-assisted Language Learning. Modern Language Journal, 96(4).

Kim, Sangbok. Interaction, grammar, and stance in reported speech. PhD dissertation, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), 2012.

Myung-Jeong Ha (2012). A Corpus-Based Approach to Citation Use in English for Academic Purposes. Modern English Education 13(2). pp.37-55.

Pic, Elsa and Furmaniak, Gregory (2012) Les modes de discours, interface entre texte et grammaire dans les langues de spcialit . ASp, 62, 25-44. (Link)

Sawaki, Tomoko. (2012). Engagement analysis between the traditional and postmodern history thesis corpora. Book of abstracts of CADSConf 2012 (Corpus-assisted discourse studies: More than the sum of Discourse Analysis and computing?), University of Bologna, 13th-14th September 2012. (Link)

Schulz, Anke and Elke Teich (2013) The secret life of the negative: An investigation of polarity and modality in a corpus of newsgroup texts. In Rayson, Paul, Sebastian Hoffmann and Geoffrey Leech (eds.) English Corpus Linguistics: Looking back, Moving forward. Papers from the 30th International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME30). Lancaster, UK, 27-31 May 2009. Amsterdam; New York: Rodopi, 191-204. (Link)

Thompson, Geoff (2012) Intersubjectivity in newspaper editorials: construing the reader-in-the-text. English Text Construction, 5(1): 77-100.

Zlatkova, Gergana (2012) Reported argumentation in economic-financial news. In Eemeren, Frans H. van and Bart Garssen (eds.), Exploring Argumentative Contexts . 2012. Pp. 377392.


Alonso Alonso, Mara (2011) Un estudio comparativo de la impersonalidad en el lenguaje acadmico a travs de la UAM Corpus Tool. Hesperia. Anuario de filologia hispanica XIV-2 (2011) pp. 23 - 38 (Link)

Baklouti, Akila Sellami (2010) The impact of genre and disciplinary differences on structural choice: taxis in research article abstracts. Text and Talk - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language, Discourse and Communication Studies. Volume 31, Issue 5, Pp. 503523. (Link)

Garca Gonzlez, Rebeca. A corpus-based grammatical analysis of modality in the writing of Spanish university students of English. Proceedings of ASYRAS (2nd Conference of Young Researchers on Anglophone Studies), University of Salamanca, 6th-8th October 2011. (Link)

Hay-Gibson, Naomi V. (2011) Risk and Records Management : Investigating Risk and Risk Management in the Context of Records and Information Management in the Electronic Environment. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University. (Link)

Hommerberg, Charlotte (2011) Persuasiveness in the discourse of wine: the rhetoric of Robert Parker. Vxj: Linnaeus University Press (Link)

MacDonald, Penny, Susana Murcia, Maria Boquera, Ana Botella, Laura Cardona, Rebeca Garca, Esther Mediero, Michael O'Donnell, Ainhoa Robles and Keith Stuart (2011) Error Coding in the TREACLE project. In Carri Pastor, M. L. y Candel Mora, M. A. Las tecnologas de la informacin y las comunicaciones: Presente y futuro en el anlisis de crpora. Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Lingstica de Corpus. Valencia: Universitat Politcnica de Valncia; pp. 725-740. ISBN: 978-84-694-6225-6. (Link)

Moore, Nicolas (2011) Modelling the Flow of Discourse in a Corpus of Written Academic English. Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2011 - Discourse and Corpus Linguistics. (Link)

Mora, Natalia (2011) Annotating Expressions of Engagement in online book reviews: A contrastive (English-Spanish) corpus study for computational processing. Master's thesis, Faculty of English Studies I, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. (Link)

Moss, Gillian and Jorge Mizuno (2011) Las Voces del Texto. Capitulo 7 en El texto escolar y el aprendizaje: Enredos y desenredos.Diana Chamorro y Norma Barletta (Editoras). Universidad del Norte.

Robles Baena, Ainhoa and Maria Esther Mediero Durn Exploring the Errorsmade by EFL Students at University Level. Proceedings of ASYRAS (2nd Conference of Young Researchers on Anglophone Studies), University of Salamanca, 6th-8th October 2011. (Link)

Yang, H.W. (2011) A Contrastive Study Of Engagement In Chinese And English Crisis Coverage. masters Thesis, China. (Link)

Zender, Hendrik (2011). Situated Production and Understanding of Verbal References to Entities in Large-Scale Space. Volume 36 of Saarbrcken Dissertations in Computational Linguistics and Language Technology. German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Saarland University, Saarbrcken, Germany, December 2011. (Link)


Almutairi, Bandar A (2010) Visualizing Attitude Patterns. MLitt Thesis. University of Sydney.

Ars, Jorge, Julia Lavid, Lara Moratn (2010) Annotating thematic features in English and Spanish: A contrastive corpus-based study. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, Vol 6, No 1-3 (2010), 173-192. (Link)

Burstein, Jill and Tetreault, Joel and Andreyev, Slava. (2010) Using Entity-Based Features to Model Coherence in Student Essays. NAACL '10, Los Angeles, California. (Link)

Cardona Sanchis, Laura (2010) La autocorreccin de errores de redacciones utilizando la webcomo fuente de informacin. Diploma de Estudios Advansados (Ma sters equivalent). Departamento de Lingstica Aplicada. Universitat Politcnica de Valncia.

Lassus, Jannika (2010) Betydelser i barnfamiljsbroschyrer : Systemisk-funktionell analys av den tnkta lsaren och institutionen. Ph.D. Dissertion, Helsingfors universitet, Finland. (Link)

Lu, Hui-Chuan (2010) An annotated Taiwanese Learners' Corpus of Spanish, CATE. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory , Volume 6 (2): 297-300. (Link)

Rankin, Tom (2010) Advanced Learner Corpus Data and Grammar Teaching: Adverb Placement. In M. C. Campoy, B. Belles-Fortuno and M. L. Gea-Valor (eds.) Corpus-Based Approaches to English Language Teaching. London: Continuum. Pp. 205-215.

Ribeiro, Andrea (2010) Design e suporte em contexto online: um estudo sob a perspectiva da Teoria da Atividade. Tese de Doutorado. So Paulo: Pontificia Universidade Catlica de So Paulo. 229p. (Link)

Ribeiro, Andrea. Support actions in an online course for teachers of English In: Le Multiculturalisme et le rle des langes specialises. Bretagne: Telecom. p.369-380

Rollinson, P. and Mendikoetxea, A. (2010). Learner corpora and second language acquisition: Introducing WriCLE. In: J. L. Bueno Alonso, D. Gonzliz lvarez, U. Kirsten Torrado, A. E. Martnez Insua, J. Prez-Guerra, E. Rama Martnez and R. Rodrguez Vzquez (eds.) Analizar datos>Describir variacin/Analysing data>Describing variation. Vigo: Universidade de Vigo (Servizo de Publicacins), pp. 1-12.

Sano, Motoki (2010) Differences in the Relationship between the Evaluation of Essays and Lexical Density According to levels, The Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture, 40, pp.215-227.(in Japanese) (Link)

Smart, C. and J. Shiu (2010) ' Markers' Interpretations of Standards in the Standards-Referenced Marking of an English Language Writing Examination'. 12th Academic Forum on English Language Testing in Asia, March 5-6 2010, pp. 88-105.

Taboada, M. and M. Carretero (2010) Contrastive analyses of evaluation in text: Key issues in the design of an annotation system for Attitude applicable to consumer reviews in English and Spanish. Linguistics and the Human Sciences.

Xiaolin Zhang (2010) Discourse Analysis of China Daily's Disaster News Reports: An Appraisal Approach Dissertation for Master's Degree. Universtiy of Electronic and Secientific Technology of China. (Link)

Zender, Hendrik and Koppermann, Christopher and Greeve, Fai and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. (2010). Anchor-Progression in Spatially Situated Discourse: a Production Experiment. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG 2010), pp. 209213. Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland, July 2010. (Link)


Elke Teich und Mnica Holtz (2009). Scientific registers in contact. An exploration of the lexico-grammatical properties of interdisciplinary discourses. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 14 (4), 524-548. (Link)

Fairon, Cdrick and Simon, Anne-Catherine (2009). Informatisation d'un corpus de dictes : 40 annes de pratique orthographique (1967-2008). In Willems, M. (ed), Pour l'amour des mots. Glanures lexicales, dictionnairiques, grammaticales et syntaxiques. Hommage Michle Lenoble-Pinson, Bruxelles: Facults universitaires Saint-Louis. Pp. 131-154. (Link)

Hurley, Mae (2009) (Still) A threat to the nation: discourses of political correctness in the 2007 Australian federal election. Honours thesis, Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney.

Lozano, C. (2009). CEDEL2: Corpus Escrito del Espaol L2. In: Bretones Callejas, Carmen M. et al. (eds) Applied Linguistics Now: Understanding Language and Mind / La Lingstica Aplicada Hoy: Comprendiendo el Lenguaje y la Mente. Almera: Universidad de Almera, pp. 197-212. (Link)

Lozano, C. (2009). Pronominal deficits at the interface: New data from the CEDEL2 corpus. In: Bretones Callejas, Carmen M. et al. (eds) Applied Linguistics Now: Understanding Language and Mind / La Lingstica Aplicada Hoy: Comprendiendo el Lenguaje y la Mente. Almera: Universidad de Almera, pages 213-227. (Link)

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Mark Zuckerberg posted the speech he delivered for the Harvard University graduation on May 25, 2017 to his Facebook page. The full text is below.

The Taiwan question

come here

Number of publications: 144